Qashqadaryo province
1. Geographical location, territory, climate
Kashkadarya province is located in the Southern part of Uzbekistan, in the basin of the Kashkadarya river on the western mountainside Pamir-Alai.
Kashkadarya province is located on same geographic latitude as Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, the UnitedState and Japan.
Total area of the province amounts to 28.6 thousand
square meters (6.3% of the territory of Uzbekistan), which is comparable
with the territories of such countries as Belgium, Albania or Armenia.
The province consists of 13 administrative districts:
Guzar, Dehkanabad, Karshi, Koson, Kamashi, Kitab, Kasbi, Mubarek,
Nishan, Mirishkor, Chirakchi, Shakhrisabz and Yakkabog. Administrative
center is the city of Karshi with a population of more than 180 thousand
On the North, the province borders with Samarqand
province, on the North-West – with Bukhoro province, on the East and
South-East – Surhandaryo province. From the North-East part passes the
state border with Tadjikistan, on the Western part with Turkmenistan. The perimeter of the total border is 795 km, out which 400 km passes through mountain ranges.
Population of the province as of 1st of January of 2008 is 2516,1 ths. people. Density of population is 91,8 people per one square kilometer.
The climate is continental, dry, somewhere is
subtropical, favorable for land cultivation and cattle breeding. The
average annual temperature is + 15 C.
The average annual quantity of precipitations are 187-285 mm, in mountainous and submountain areas – 500 mm.
2. Historical excursus
The history of Kashkadarya province contains
multitude of remarkable events. It’s the history of courageous people,
loving its motherland.
Located between the rivers Zarafshan and Amudaryo, the territory in ancient times according to chronicles of Ancient Greece and China had the name of Southern Sogd and Southern Turon. 
In II-I millennium B.C. in this territory the culture was developed, people conducted a settled way of life.
The discoveries which were found on the territories
of ancient cities and barrows as Navtak – Yerkurgan, Kesh, Iskifagi,
Subah, Bazda, Kalandartepa, Kamaytepa, Altintepa testifies that their
residents were engaged in agriculture and animal breeding, pottery,
processing of iron and other crafts. Pottery was developed at a high
level, iron melting was developed out even B.C.
In the shelter places, where agriculture and crafts
had risen, the cities formed, in which culture and architecture were
developed, madrassas, mosques and caravanserais were erected.
This region, which has beautiful nature and rich in
natural resources attracted the attention of many foreign invaders and
endured the invasion of Alexander the Macedonian, Mongolian campaign and
Achaemenids rule. This region was at the epicenter of the local
population revolts against foreign invasions: under the leadership of
Spitamen against Alexander the Macedonian in 329 BC, Khashim ibn Khakim
(Mukanna) against the Arab Caliphate in the 70's and 80's of VIII
Shakhrisabz City (from Persian. شهر سبز (Šahr-e Sabz)
- «green city») of Kashkadarya Province was a home to Amir Temur
(Tamerlane), which unyoked the country from Mongolians, and founded the
great empire of Tamerlane, which included whole territory of the Middle
East from the Mediterranean to northern India besides Central Asia.
In Shahrisabz Amir Temur had built Ak-Sarai – huge
palace that was its residence in XIV — the beginning of XV centuries.
Unfortunately, by the end of XVII century this magnificent building was
partially destroyed. But the remained parts of a portal testify the
scale of its construction, Ak-Sarai has so far unsurpassed mosaic
patterns reflecting a high level of art of that time.
After an era of Temurids province have conquered by
Shaibaneeds - the new dynasty formed from settled and nomadic Uzbek
tribes. The long period followed after that has been marked by internal
wars, invasions and campaigns from the neighboring states, influenced
negatively on development of economy and culture of the province.
The Kashkadarya province has been organized in 1924, and from 1927 to 1964 entered again into structure of BukharaProvince, then Surkhan-Darya Province of Uzbekistan. In 1964 ithasbeenreorganized.
From 1986 to 1989 KashkadaryaProvince was governed by the current President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.
3. Social and economic development
The dynamics of GRP production during 2001-2007 |
By the end of 2010 the total provinceal GDP of the Kashkadarya province has 4865,1 billion sum.
Structure of provinceal GDP as compare with 2009 looks as follows:
industrial production – 101,5%,
agriculture – 120,5%,
construction – 140,2%,
trade and (public) catering – 132,2%.
3.1. Population
The population of the province is 2668,8 thousand people. Density of population is 93,3 people per one square kilometer.
The population mainly consists of Uzbeks. There is
also inhabitance of more than 90 nations and nationalities, including
Russians, Tajiks, Turkmens, Tatars, Kazakhs and others.
Numberofable-bodiedpopulationis 1476.3 thousandpeople. 971.6
The largest cities: Shahrisabz, Kitab, Koson,
Muborak, Yakkabogh, Guzar, Qamashi. The province has 13 administrative
districts: Guzar, Shahrisabz, Dehqonobod, Qarshi, Koson, Qamashi, Kitab,
Kasbi, Muborak, Chiroqchi, Nishon, Yakkabogh, Mirishkor.
City of Qarshi is the administrative centre with population of more than 239,7 thousand people.
3.2. Development in agricultural sector
The economy of the Province is focused on
agriculture. The share of agricultural production in the gross
provincial product is more than 27,3%. The gross agricultural output of
the province is 1329,7 billion soums. (USD 791,5 mln.).
The natural and climatic conditions of the region are
associated with a higher average temperature than in other areas. Long
duration of the warm season and fertile soil allow to grow heat-loving
subtropical crops - late-staple fine-fibre varieties of cotton,
persimmons and sugar cane.
is country's main granary of grain, cotton and other supplier of
agricultural products. Good evidence is that 10.2% of all agricultural
products, as well as more than 10% of cotton, 11% of grain, 19% of
astrakhan in the country comes from this province.
If the total land area of the province is 2,857 thousand ha, 1,381 ha of it occupied by the pasture. The province possesses about 1 million hectares of land suitable for irrigation.
The most important branches of agriculture are rainfed and irrigated grain growing as well as distant (pasture) sheep breeding.
Natural conditions of the province are favorable for
grape, stone fruit, figs and pomegranate growing. Karshi grapes,
especially the sort of "Mask", is famous for its taste.
Sericulture is also developing in the province along
with the cotton growing. The province takes one of the leading places in
karakul breeding. Expansion of pastures, increase of corn and alfalfa,
the increasing use of industrial wastes contribute to the further
development of livestock sector.
The main branch of livestock sector is karakul
growing, which is developed mainly in the western, southwestern and
central districts. Fat-tailed sheep and goats that provide wool and meat
are contained in the pastures of northern and north-eastern foothills
and mountainous areas. Semi-fine-fleece sheep and long-wooled goats are
grown in the foothills and plains for the development of productive
animal husbandry. The number of cattle is enough to meet the demand of
the province’s population for dairy products.
3.3. Mineral and raw materials potential
The region accounts for 98% gas and more than 80% of oil produced in Uzbekistan. According to the estimations, province’s oil reserves make up tens of millions of tons.
There are considerable explored reserves of potash
and rock salt, marble, claydite, pyroshale, coal, lead, zinc, cement raw
materials and other minerals for construction materials production.
Yakhton tungsten deposit and Dautash manganese deposit are among the
most promising fields. Also, prospective ore deposits of gold, copper,
aluminum, antimony and mercury were identified in the province.
There are 61 deposit of ore and nonmetallic minerals in the KashkadaryaProvince:
- manganese 813.4 thousand tons;
- quartzite - 1735.4 thousand cubic metre;
- porcelain stone – 853.9 thousand tons;
- pegmatite – 1617.1 thousand tons;
- marble – 2.7 million tons;
- dolomite – 10.0 million tons;
-limestone – 8.9 million tons;
- building stones – 5.9 million cubic metre;
- cement raw material – 265.5 million tons;
- glass raw material - more than 10.0 million tons.
3.4. Industrial potential
The province accounts for 13% of the republic’s industrial production.
Industry of KashkadaryaProvince
is inextricably linked with agriculture. Its major branches include
ginneries, oil mills, factories for the production of canned fruit and
vegetable and others. The share of light and food industries account for
more than 66% of all manufactured products.
In the Province operate about 150 industrial
enterprises, including 45 large enterprises in oil-and-gas, in light
industry, food-processing industry, mechanical engineering, building
materials industry. Most of them are the enterprises in oil-and-gas,
cotton-cleaning, building, and also in the light and local industries.
The largest of them are Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex, Mubarek Oil and Gas Department, Mubarek Oil Refinery, JV «
Oqsaroy Tukimachi» JV «Cotton
Road», «Shakhrisabz» wine and alcohol plant, Shakhrisabz cannery, JV
«Karshi oil-extraction plant», JV «Kasan oil extraction plant» and
Commissioning of the first block of Tolimarjon 800 MW Power Plant in 2004, solved the energy supply issue in the region.
Petrochemical industry.
In 2001, Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex – the largest
gas processing enterprise was put into operation. Construction of the
complex was carried out with the assistance of a consortium of foreign
companies such as ABB Lummus Global (USA), ABB Soimi (Italy), Mitsui & Co.Ltd., Toyo Engineering, Nissho Iwai Corp. (Japan).
Currently Shurtan Complex is focused on the
followings: natural gas processing with ethylene production, co-monomer
and polyethylene production with Sclairtech technology. Production
capacity of the complex consists of the followings: processing of about 4
billion cubic meters of natural gas, production of 125 thousand tons of
various sorts of polyethylene of low and high density, 137 thousand
tons of liquefied gas and 37 thousand tons of gas condensate, about 4
thousand tons of sulfur. "Thermoplastic" plant in Karshi produces modern
polyethylene pipes for water and gas supply on the basis of products of
Shurtan complex .
There is a Mubarek Gas Processing Plant with capacity
of 30 billion cubic meters of gas annually in the province, which
accounts for much of the processed gas in the country, about 17% of
stable gas condensate and 11% of liquefied gas. Currently reconstruction
works underway in the company, a propane-butane mixture installation is
being constructed for liquefied natural gas production.
Textile industry.
Today tens of modern textile enterprises for yarn, knit and fabric production are operating in the province.
The main enterprises are: JV «Cotton Road»,
«Oqsaroy-Tukimachi», «Yakkabagtex». JV «Cotton Road» manufactures 920
tons of yarn, 5.0 million pieces of knitwear annually, and
«Oqsaroy-Tukimachi» produces 4800 tons of yarn, 2000 tons of knitwear
and JV «Yakkabagtex» produces 3000 tons of yarn annually. Bulk of the
products is export-oriented
3.5. Transport infrastructure
In Kashkadarya the traffic accomplishing by railway, automobile and aviation mode of transport.
Throughout the territory of the province passes railway communication which connect Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan and Surkhandarya province of Uzbekistan
with neighbor and distant countries. There is a modern railway station
in Qarshi city, from where the trains go to many counties of the world.
The extension of railways is 3801 kilometers.
For the economic development of the province the
important role play the promotion of its export potential the
construction of railway Toshguzar- Boysun – Kumurgan with the general
extension of 223 kilometers from which passes 106,2 km throw the territory of the province.
With the commissioning of this railway in August 2007, the province began to serve as a main transit for cargo to Surkhandarya Province, Tajikistan and Afghanistan and back. It also allows to develop the south-eastern regions of the province which are rich for mineral resources.
Highways, including those of international and regional importance, total length of which is about 30,000 km, are also of high importance in the province’s economy.
Province’s pipeline of 2106
km total length is used for the needs of oil and gas industry. Major
highways are Karakitay – Karshi, Shurtan - Mubarak, Shurtan - Bukhara - Gazli - Tashkent.
Regular flights to Tashkent and other cities of the republic and CIS countries operate from the airports of Karshi and Shakhrisabz.
3.6. Social infrastructure and recreation services
Special attention pays for improvement knowledge and
raise culture of population. Especially, the information resource
center, 160 culture institutions function in the province.
The special attention pays for development of
physical culture and sport. There are 20 stadiums, 815 sports halls, 7
swimming pools, 4781 sport grounds, where more than 666,1 thsd. people
go in for sports per a day and other sport institutions.
Currently in the province operates:
- in Kitab 3 sanatorium, 4 child health-improving camps;
- in Shakhrisabz 1 rest home, 7 child health-improving camps;
- in Yakkabag 9 child health-improving camps.
Within Kashkadarya province independent tourist trips are possible: pedestrian, water, cycling, automobile, motorbike.
The popular international tourist objects besides
monuments of Shakhrisabz, is Sultan Mir Khaydar - the architectural
complex of ancient mausoleum and mosque in the village Kasbi.
About 15 historical monuments of XV - XVI centuries are preserved in the administrative center of the area - the city of Karshi.
The second largest city in the province - Shakhrisabz
is world renown for being the birthplace of Amir Temur. The Great Silk
Road passed through the city. The architectural monuments built by Amir
Temur and his grandson Ulughbek attract the attention of tourists.
In addition, Shakhrisabz is one of the oldest centers
of crafts. Gold-woven skullcap embroidered here won gold medals in
international exhibitions in Canada, Turkey and Japan. Copper, earthenware made with great skill were the winners of many exhibitions.
In the foothills of Kashkadarya – Kitab, Shakhrisabz,
Yakkabag, Dekhkanabad, Chirakchi, Kamashi, natural conditions and a
favorable climate allow to develop eco-tourism, there are health
centers, sanatoriums and rest homes there.
4. Foreign investments in the region
In 2010 the province attracted USD 304.6 million of
FDI for implementation of 54 projects in such sectors as oil and gas,
agriculture, light industry, services and other industries.
In KashkadaryaProvince there are about 46 enterprises with foreign capital established with participation of investors from China, USA, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Lithuania, Russia, Syria, etc.
For foreign investments in the Republic of Uzbekistan
there have been set national treatment, which grants foreign investment
the terms not less favorable than the corresponding conditions for
investments by domestic individuals and legal entities.
Enterprise attracting direct private foreign
investment and located in Kashkadarya Province, as well as carrying out
activities in the following sectors: radio-electronical industry,
production of computer components and computer engineering, light
industry, silk industry, construction materials, industrial production
of poultry and eggs, food processing, meat and dairy industry, chemical
and pharmaceutical industries are exempt from operating activities
income (profit) tax, property tax, social infrastructure and
territories’ face-lift tax, the single tax for microfirms and small
enterprises, as well as compulsory contributions to the Republican Road
These tax credits are available for private foreign direct investment.
At the same time these tax credits are applied in the following conditions:
- Private FDI is made by foreign investor without warranty of Uzbekistan;
- The share of foreign participants in the charter capital of the enterprise must be at least 50 percent;
- Contributing the private FDI after the state registration of the enterprises;
- Foreign investment in the form of freely convertible currency or new equipment;
- Income received as a result of providing these benefits for the
duration of their use, is re-invested to further development of the
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