понедельник, 19 марта 2012 г.

ESL Teacher

I was thinking a lot what is ESL Teacher and  he/she is  a:
       2. methodist.
       4.actor /ress,
(but all these are separate professions ), 
and some others which  involves  different skills:
 2.memory train(or brain train),
Nowadays I  do understand that real  teachers are the most creative,imaginative  personalities
with problem-solving skills .I never wanted to be a teacher I just thought I could have more free
time  but I was definitely mistaken ...........
In order to be a teacher one should study and work so much ,I remember a movie it is shown
on every New Year Holiday "С легким паром" ,so the main heroes are  a doctor(he) & a teacher(she) ,
He says that the Doctors are not allowed to make mistakes ,from the other side She says the Teachers are
too ,Doctors` mistakes visible at once, but Teachers` later. 
It means teachers have no rights to be  unprofessional.

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